Sunday, April 5, 2009

the pigeon

I love Mo Willems. Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus is one of those fantastic children's books I love to read and can't wait for Maddy to finally get and laugh at. I'd love to get this print for Maddy's room.

It would be perfect for when Megan comes to visit -- she can read just Pigeon's pleadings, which are the best part anyway. In case you didn't know, Megan is the best story-reader around. I hope she really gets around to recording some books for little Maddy.

{buy the poster here}


Ashley said...

Very cute! Hope you are all doing great!


Season said...

I have never heard of this. Super cute though!

mel said...

This is so cute. Especially if Maddy dreams of being a bus driver :)