Monday, September 25, 2006

What's yo name? Where you calling from?

Who's on the roll call about to get done? 100.3 JAMS from 1996, anyone? Anyone?

Call it curiosity. Call it a need for validation. Call it a need to know whether blogging is worth the effort. Whatever you want to call it, please sound off! Leave me a comment with your name and how you know me so I can see who actually reads this thing!


Stefanie said...

Hola Mrs. Kotter... I figured you would know who I was, but I will respect the questions in the blog... It's me, Stef

undefined said...

Present and accounted for! It's Emily, and I know you from a little place we fondly remember as the KMB. By the way, your engagement story rocks!!

Anonymous said...

I am a super mander fan! I read your gives me inspiration to update my own... one day.

Love the engagement story!
Lisa Lou

Carina said...
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Carina said...

It's who you THOUGHT it was. Is that the Emily we both knew from the KMB above me? That would be awesome.

So happy you found me.

mandy said...

It's the very same Emily!

megan said...

Glad to see you resurrected the blog.
Megan, party of one.