Thursday, October 6, 2005


If only I weren't such a slacker. This blog has been active for almost six months and I've made exactly one entry. I'd like to say the slacker tendencies I possess only extend as far as this blog, but I've realized lately that, although I always seem to be busy, I can't enumerate anything productive I actually do with my time. I have a standing Wednesday night gig that takes up my non-working hours. I had the house decorating bug for about a month there, and I've been on a cleaning kick, too. Other than that, I think I spend most of my time relaxing after work or reading or planning out the things I 'need' to do. New goal -- actually DO something productive instead of going through the motions and appearing productive. I'll let you know how it goes.

An idea stolen from Amazo's blog, my features of the day:
{Song: Bad Day by Daniel Powter}
{Emotion: Blah}
{Favorite article of clothing I'm currently wearing: my new brown blazer from Nordstrom}

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