Thursday, March 22, 2007

Today is my Grandad's 97th birthday. That's right ... 97th. He's the most active 97 year-old I know. He gets up every morning and goes out to work. He's made 975 highly sought-after benches and counting and has given them all away. If you try to pay him for it, you're no longer offered a bench. I have great memories of Grandad's house in Snowflake -- the tire swing, the 'dog house', racing crab apples in the ditches while he's irrigating the orchard. My Grandad has also made it to the NFR in Vegas for the past 18 years running, except for when he was serving missions. I was lucky enough to meet up with him last year for my own NFR experience and was able to see first-hand the main draw of the event ... the Trash Can. My Grandad is the coolest 97-year-old I know. Here's to several more!

*Picture of Grandad and cute Kaytlin last April in Snowflake*

1 comment:

mel said...

Grandad is one "cool cat!"